我被安排到有挑战性的班级,这很好. 有这么多俱乐部也不错. I also appreciate having so many opportunities to have honors classes...

  • 伊莎贝拉
  • 9年级



ASL club, Project Lead, Project Focus, Middle Eastern SOAR, Pre-Med Club

在一次旅行中,我去了这里的教堂. I was there for maybe two minutes, and I was like, this is it. 我找到了. 有家的感觉. 我花了好几天想弄明白, 我走出教堂,在那一刻, 我以为那是学校.

社区非常欢迎我. And the school was strong in its faith and I could tell that from when I walked in. 事实上,每节课都是以圣经的世界观来教授的,这吸引了我,因为我想了解这是如何运作的. 这就是我来这里的原因.

I appreciate that everyone works well together and no one is left out in any situation. 在这些情况下, 这表明他们有多么坚定的信仰, and they are strong in being loving toward one another and caring about each other.

我被安排到有挑战性的班级,这很好. 有这么多俱乐部也不错. 我也很感激有这么多机会上荣誉课,因为我这学期上了两门荣誉课. It has been a great change in my life that has opened more doors of opportunity.

What would you say to students currently looking to join EC as a freshman?
The instant that you walk in, there is someone to greet you. 每次你走进来, 有一张新面孔,一张欢迎的面孔, 他们想了解你. They want to welcome you in and they want to see someone come and join their community.

真是太棒了. 这里有很多精神主导的员工. 我真的很喜欢这所学校.

  • Kayley
  • 9年级




我们参观了学校,我的父母和我得到了肯定,这就是我应该在的地方. 欧共体有很好的课程,有很多东西可以提供. 这是一所很棒的学校.

真是太棒了. 这里有很多精神主导的员工. 我真的很喜欢这所学校. I also love the fact that there is a worship team; (in general opportunities for students to mature spiritually.). I like block scheduling too because it covers the curriculum more in depth. 

我很欣赏它确实能让人动心, 培养精神,教人改造世界.

What would you say to students currently looking to join EC as a freshman?
Many people invest in this school and the school invests in their students. 每个老师都关心每个学生. 这里就像一个大家庭. 我被EC所震撼,我在这里发展得很好.

I feel like I’m cared for and it is just a fun atmosphere in general.

  • Sammuel
  • 9年级




这是一段美好的时光. 我找到了很多朋友. I feel like I’m cared for and it is just a fun atmosphere in general. 我以前在纽约的一所小型私立学校上学. Coming here was just a big upgrade with more people and more of a social life. I love playing basketball and I am able to play for the school.


What would you say to students currently looking to come to EC as a freshman?
You will find great friends that you can really rely on for your whole life.


我想要一个紧密联系的社区. I wanted to have a place where everyone had faith in common. 我觉得新葡京app在把信仰融入每件事上做得很好. Everywhere you look in this school, there is some aspect of faith and Christianity.

  • 凯拉
  • 9年级



户外活动俱乐部, 有目的的舞者, 住, 美国手语, Lacrosse Club; I love community service and I am already almost done with Faith in Action requirements.

我想要一个紧密联系的社区. I wanted to have a place where everyone had faith in common. 我觉得新葡京app在把信仰融入每件事上做得很好. Everywhere you look in this school, there is some aspect of faith and Christianity.

The more I looked into it, the more EC kept on proving itself. 它符合我想要的一切. It felt like the perfect community; it just felt right. 甚至在进入学校的过程中,工作人员也证明了他们是多么的关心. They were attentive and they care about each student individually.

每个人都给每个人机会. 我们都有共同的信仰. 就像一个大家庭. 他们不把学生视为数字. 他们会单独看待他们.

I also feel they have good opportunities for career development. This is the most ‘career and college-preparation school’ that I’ve seen. 他们正在尽一切努力让学生为你能想象到的每一个可能的职业做好准备. I like how everyone in this school is a future thinker, trying to prepare you. WINGS项目,太好了. 我很兴奋能进入这个领域.

What would you say to students currently looking to join EC as a freshman?
If you are trying to find a school that will make you feel welcome, EC是你能找到的最好的地方. 每个人在这里都有自己的位置. 这里有很多不同的俱乐部和俱乐部. 每个人都有自己的定位. 


  • TJ & Elisa挖
  • EC的父母

TJ & Elisa挖


How has Eastern Christian made a difference in the life of your child(ren)? 如果他们没有来这里,你认为会有什么不同? 




欧共体的老师和工作人员花了宝贵的时间来了解我们的孩子——包括优点和缺点. 欧共体提供了特别的课程,让他们发挥自己的优势,并花了额外的时间与我们作为家长一起寻找有效的方法来支持发展领域的成长.


What is the most valuable part of the Eastern Christian experience to you? 

对我们来说, 员工的奉献精神,每天示范基督的爱给我们的孩子是教育的最有价值的部分.



We are thankful for a place that speaks the truths of Scripture to our children.


What else would you like potential students and donors to know about Eastern Christian?

EC is a place that cares about the whole child-their heart, mind, and spirit.

Eastern Christian provided my daughter with a renewed enthusiasm for learning! After her public school experienced several years of turmoil, 新葡京app中学很棒. The school and students embraced her and helped her grow in her faith. 她的老师真的很棒, helping her improve her weaknesses and tap into her natural talents. 我们喜欢新葡京app社区的多样性, with students from most of the surrounding communities and even farther away.

  • 斯蒂芬妮Ohnegian
  • EC父



How has Eastern Christian made a difference in the life of your child(ren)? 如果他们没有来这里,你认为会有什么不同? 

Eastern Christian provided my daughter with a renewed enthusiasm for learning! After her public school experienced several years of turmoil, 新葡京app中学很棒. The school and students embraced her and helped her grow in her faith. 她的老师真的很棒, helping her improve her weaknesses and tap into her natural talents. 我们喜欢新葡京app社区的多样性, with students from most of the surrounding communities and even farther away. 例如, the International Student Program exposes the students to other cultures, 打开他们的眼睛,看到他们在国内的幸福,以及世界在其他大洲给他们的东西. 我们希望将来能接待一名国际学生. My daughter’s experiences with the ECMS and ECHS athletics also have been great. 教练们培养了同志情谊和纪律, 球员们展示了他们的竞争精神, but also sportsmanship and a team mentality that seems to be passed down year to year. I’m sure my daughter and our family would have made the best of our school situation, 但是来到EC远远超出了我们的期望,开启了我认为我们在其他地方无法找到的学校之旅. 我们非常感激.



The Eastern Christian Middle and 高中 administrators have been wonderful, especially as our daughter arrived in the middle of middle school! ECMS校长是一位热情洋溢的领导者,他付出了额外的努力,以确保所有学生都茁壮成长. He is extremely responsive when issues arise and is very efficient in resolving them. ECHS校长已经建立了一个充满活力,热情,有趣和结构的环境. 他定期参加许多课外活动, 为运动员加油,了解他们的家庭. 他每天都在门口微笑着问候每一个高中生. 在这两所学校,我女儿的老师在培养她的思想和精神方面都很出色. 每一天, 她不停地说着什么, 无论是教堂里的演讲者, 她在世界文学中学到了什么, 她想去哪里传教, 或者学生们在支持什么慈善机构. 她每天上学都很兴奋!


What is the most valuable part of the Eastern Christian experience to you? 

到目前为止, 新葡京app经历中最有价值的部分是它对我们女儿建立信心的巨大贡献. 学校的男高音是热情好客的, 老师是积极和鼓励,从来没有太忙,帮助课外, 学生们在充满合作和友谊的环境中分享精神指南针, SOAR和课外活动为她提供了宝贵的新经历, 运动是竞争但合作的, with players of all ages interacting with each other inside and outside of school. We feel so blessed with the person that our daughter is and who she is becoming at EC.



The Eastern Christian school experience has well exceeded our expectations. 我们从其他孩子在这所学校上学的人那里听说,这所学校为他们的孩子提供了一个很好的环境, but we had not envisioned quite the extent to which we would be impacted. 我们的女儿结交了来自不同背景和不同社区的新朋友. Her teachers are inspiring her so that she wants to learn, grow, excel, and succeed. 她的精神基础正在扩大, and she loved chapel in the middle school and now devotions in the high school; some of the sermons she regularly references. We are meeting many new parents and getting to know their families. We trust the school and its administrators and 工作人员 as they mentor her, 鼓励她, 帮助她追求卓越, and expand her perspective on the world and her spirituality. Eastern Christian was one of the best decisions we have made for our daughter.


What else would you like others to know about 新葡京app?

新葡京app是一个非常特别的地方, 这就是为什么那么多家庭把孩子送到那里的原因吗, and those children become adults who send their children to the school there, 诸如此类. 学校社区是友好和热情的. 家长有很多机会参与到学校和校外的社区服务和筹款活动中来. 学校的设施很好,但是领导似乎总是在改进. 例如, at ECMS the construction of an outdoor classroom was underway, 在ECHS,草皮运动场正在建设中,这将是所有新葡京app学生和运动队的宝贵财富. 我们很感激能有机会送女儿上EC,看着她茁壮成长.


We feel so blessed to be part of a Christ-centered learning community. 我们数不清有多少次在思考EC是如何为我们的女儿强化正面价值观的... At EC we feel confident leaving our most precious gifts with teachers, 工作人员, and volunteers who care about all aspects of their development.

  • Stacy-Ann & 桑杰
  • 父母

Stacy-Ann & 桑杰


We feel so blessed to be part of a Christ-centered learning community. 我们数不清有多少次在思考EC是如何为我们的女儿强化正面价值观的. (我们真的觉得家、教堂和学校是相连的.)她每天回家,和我们以及她的小弟弟分享她的“EC冒险”. 他很兴奋今年就要开学了. At EC we feel confident leaving our most precious gifts with teachers, 工作人员, and volunteers who care about all aspects of their development. 我们也非常感谢PTO和努力在家长之间建立社区.

我们的女儿在这个学年开始了PK4的学习,我们的经历简直令人惊叹! 从学术到培育她的精神成长, we could not be happier to see our child loving each day in PK. She has learned so much, made new friends, and loves each of her teachers. 这是一个真实的证明,学校应该如何陪伴孩子,培养他们的各个方面,构成他们的整个人. 我们爱你!

  • 乔恩 & 艾琳·高
  • 父母

乔恩 & 艾琳·高


我们的女儿在这个学年开始了PK4的学习,我们的经历简直令人惊叹! 从学术到培育她的精神成长, we could not be happier to see our child loving each day in PK. She has learned so much, made new friends, and loves each of her teachers. 这是一个真实的证明,学校应该如何陪伴孩子,培养他们的各个方面,构成他们的整个人. 我们爱你!

我很幸运能有机会回到EC,分享我的三种爱——上帝的爱, 热爱教学,热爱孩子. 这是一个多么难以置信的机会,能成为这样一所既重视学术卓越又重视圣经真理的学校的一员.

  • Dr. 唐娜Furrey
  • 老师

Dr. 唐娜Furrey


曾是新葡京app的学生, 我亲身体会到基督教学校的老师对学生生活的影响. I will forever be grateful to my middle school science teacher. 虽然我可能不记得她的任何课程,但我清楚地记得她对我生活的影响. 我很幸运能有机会回到EC和分享我的三个爱-上帝的爱, 热爱教学,热爱孩子. 这是一个多么难以置信的机会,能成为这样一所既重视学术卓越又重视圣经真理的学校的一员. 

See what a Christ-centered education looks like for your child.

